Monday 24 August 2009

Basic Fingerprint Shapes~

Although families may be genetically alike, their fingerprints are drastically different. While the parents may have plain arches and ulnar loops, the children may have an accidental whorl and double loop whorl. Every human being has their own set of unique fingerprints, and although you might have two fingers with plain whorls, they might not have very many similarities as one might think. Also, it is one out of sixty-four billion that two people have IDENTICAL finger prints.


Arches are found in about 5% of the fingerprints seen. There are four basic arch patterns which are plain radial ulnar and tented arches. The plain arches have an even flow with no significant curves, the flow from one side of the finger to the other, leaving a wave at the end. Tented arches have significant up-thrusts in the middle, making the print look like a mountain.


Loops are seen on about 60-70% of fingerprints. The three basic types of loops are radial, ulnar and central pocketed. The radial loop, named after the radius in the forearm, is a mountain like figure that curves to the left. Likewise, the ulnar Loop, which is named after the Ulna in the forearm, is also a mountain like figure but instead, it curves to the right. Lastly, the central-pocketed loop looks like a tiny bullsye in the top right side, without any random thrusts going to the left and right.


Whorls are seen on about 25-35% of fingerprints. There are three basic types of whorls, Double Loop, Plain, and Accidental Whorl. One characteristic that all of the whorls have in common is that they all have two or more deltas in the middle. The Double-Loop Whorl literary looks like two whorls, forming into one larger whorl. The Plain Whorl looks like a two or more ridges that usually make a complete circle around the two deltas. Lastly, the Accidental Whorl looks like a circle but with more lines, giving the circle a hidden look.